Luminous Smile

Luminous Smile

She felt elated in his arms and felt free from the age-old traditions the burden of which she was carrying for years on her shoulders.

Her twelve years old son, her only companion after her husband's death just entered the room at that moment in muddy clothes.

He was shocked to see a man hugging his mother but he noticed that her mother was happy which he never saw when she was with his vicious father who use to beat her daily.

He once pushed his father from terrace to liberate her mother from his cruelty and now he smiled in confirmation of her mother's relation which liberated her from burden of useless traditions.

His smile for her was more luminous than a moon or a star which had brighten her dark life.

This post is linked to Three Word Wednesday (liberated,vicious and muddy) and Five Sentence Fiction (luminous).


  1. Nice short story. There is nothing wrong to forget the relationship which was painful . Good her son also accepted it.

  2. Very lovely and full of feeling.

  3. This is wonderfully written, a very powerful piece.
    Thank you for visiting us at Poetry of the Netherworld.

  4. Nice one! A son who understands her mother, what else could she wish for :)

  5. Beautiful and touching. I am happy the son understand that his mother needs the love of someone respecting her.

  6. A good message filled with emotions :)

  7. That's like a true son. However I felt bad for the boy. Killing distorts one's spirit :(

  8. Vivid imagination & full of emotions, well-narrated.
    Good wishes :-)

  9. a son who understand's relationship....I liked how you combined 2 different contributions into one...innovative indeed. One thing I noticed - "He once pushed her father from terrace".....shouldn't it be "He once pushed his father from terrace"?...sorry if I over thought that!

    1. Thank you for your valuable comment, I have corrected my mistake.

  10. Its good to start fresh and new then to bear the dead,lifeless relations ....

  11. He did what had to be done..
    Good one!

  12. Another chance - all of humanity deserves it <3


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